Buicks and Other Road Hazards
[Attention: The following semi-rant was composed while having my spine reshaped by the anti-ergonomic chairs at the local Bureau of Motor Vehicles. For two hours plus fifteen minutes. This will make a person, well, harsh. In editing, I have tried to soften it, but several of my vertebra are still unwilling to let bygones be bygones.]
I’m car person. I enjoy driving more than the average person, which is good because I do quite a lot of it. I also pay attention to cars in general – makes, models, designs, features, etc. As a result of my interest and the amount of time I spend on the road, I’ve developed some strong beliefs about what certain cars say about their owners. For instance, you know that the guy in the beat-up VW Microbus is still broken up about Jerry Garcia or that the sixteen-year-old in a Porche is maybe a little over-pampered. I would like to add a few observations to the list. If in doing so, I happen to describe your car in a derogatory manner, this does not reflect personally on you, just on everyone else who drives that kind of car.
The vehicle for boring people. Design-wise, it is a car that sums up everything that is wrong with American automakers. For example, imagine someone saying the following in a serious tone: “Wow, what a cool Buick.” See? Impossible. And why? Consider:
Buick Century:

Buick Regal:

Buick LeSabre:

Buick LaCrosse (the “sporty” Buick):

Given the oatmealesque visual approach, it follows that people who buy Buicks are people who don’t care too much about driving. Cars serve to get them from point A to point B. Eventually. They drive the same way someone might take a leisurely stroll on the beach. Except that on the beach, there are not people in your blind spot or who want to pass you or who will run into you from behind when you fail to signal that you’re turning at the next sandcastle. If there is a car going five mph under the speed limit, or turning without signaling, or braking randomly in the middle of an empty road, or entering the freeway going 45, or driving 55 in the fast lane, it is always, always, always a Buick. No, really. Always. If you are driving a Buick, I offer you the following piece of advice: Don’t.
[Footnote: I would point out that much of the above applies to Oldsmobiles as well, but it’s rude to speak ill of the dead.]
[Also footnote: Do you sense the influences of the BMV and its evil chiropractic chairs? I’m really a much nicer guy than this. Really.]
[Also also footnote: If you are currently driving a Buick that was passed on to you, sold to you by a relative at a very low price, or came into your possession in another way that was based on necessity or that was out of your control, I sympathize. I am, after all, a person who, sort of inadvertently, drove a Chevy Corsica for two years. Your Buick is exempted from my wrath so long as you don't drive it like a stoned, lobotomized, moron.]
Ford Escort
For several years now, I have noticed a high correlation between Ford Escorts – station wagon version, usually – and handicapped stickers. Has anyone else noticed this? Is it just me? I'm not drawing any conclusion, just wanted to put it out there.
Minivans, all varieties
People driving minivans tend to be going either very fast or very slowly, because:
Very fast = “If I don’t get home in the next two minutes and release my wild, screaming children into the back yard I am going to have to stop and tie them up or at least whack them a little with a whiffle bat and then I’ll probably be assigned a social worker and that will not look good at the next PTA meeting.”
Very slowly = “Put that down!” (Turning half around to reach into back seat) “Give me that! Stop hitting your sister with that and give it to me! I’m not kidding!” (Driving ten under the speed limit, drifting into oncoming traffic).
Nissan Maxima.
Speed limit plus 35-50%. Almost without exception. Consistently the fastest cars on the road. No idea why.
1992 Honda Civic (Or Honda Prelude. Or Acura Integra. Or Honda Accord. Or Chevy Beretta. Or any other relatively old, cheap coupe or sedan. The important part is the accessories: Tinted windows, lowered chassis, low profile tires, $2300 rims, gigantic tail fin, at least one body panel is the wrong color, extra-loud muffler, sixteen subwoofers, windshield sticker that says “HONDA” or other make in foot-high letters. )
This individual tends to have some sort of chip on his shoulder. His cruise control is broken, so his highway speed depends entirely on your speed. He must be going faster than you at all times, except for when he zones out listening to Kid Rock and slows to 50. Between songs, he will then regain his senses and angrily re-pass you going 110. This rubber-band effect can go on for miles. This is a guy who I really, really hope doesn’t have any major financial obligations, like, say, children, because his priorities are in a very strange and money-sucking place.
Luxury/Conversion Van, all varieties
“Sure, I’m only going .43 mph faster than the 18-wheelers, but I have a God-given right to be on this interstate too, and I’m going to block up the left lane for the next twelve miles as I pass six semis in a row. And flick cigarette butts out my window at you while I do it.”
Pontiac Aztek
Oh Aztek driver, I am staying far away from you, because are obviously blind. You have purchased the undisputed ugliest car ever created. Ever. Really. It is a Rhinoceros. See:

What does this all add up to? I have no idea. It might just mean that I’m guilty of automotive profiling and need sensitivity training. But deep in my heart, I know that I’m right, and I just wanted to set the record straight about these things. So there's that.
Finally! A post with which I can agree wholeheartedly. After 9 hours on the road today, I noticed each of your points to be true.
Do you find yourself wondering if the people in the Escorts with the handicap plates drive the way they do because they have always been handicapped, or do you think that they somehow became handicapped because of the way that they drive?
What idiot looked at that mocked up piece of clay and said, "Yes! That is exactly what Pontiac needs in its vehicle line up!"
I will offer this about the Ford Escort phenomenon. I have noticed that the Escorts with the highest propensity for handicapped designations tend to come in pastel (or is that just faded) colors, mostly pink and sea green. The aforementioned handicapped flag is usually a temporary one due in large part, I suspect, to their overwhelming obesity. If it is not an immobility problem, then surely their doctors must assume some mental issues as the drives of said Escorts are inclined to wear Spandex, have longish hair easily mistaken for a mullet, and are of course driving a pastel Ford Escort.
I would also like to suggest a topic for post: drivers by state. For instance, I would offer to your readers that the most courteous drivers are from Indiana, while easily the least courteous and most aggressive drivers are from Michigan. Ohioan drivers are all pretty well scared, and legitimately so, by the overly radar gun happy cops of that most accursed state. Etc. Etc.
See, I'm not convinced that drivers actually differ that much from state to state. I think there may be a few select concentrations of really awful drivers (Boston, so I hear), but generally speaking, nobody anywhere can drive, and they're all equally incompetent. Being that this is the case everywhere, it's kind of like the weather: Everyone thinks they have it the worst, hence the saying, "If you don't like the weather here in [pretty much anywhere north of Georgia and east of Utah], just wait five minutes and it will change."
Tyler, you forgot to mention the people who drive "lux cars for the young and snotty" - any sedan or coupe from a non-american manufacturer (see the BMW 5's, Infinity M's) and any "sport ute" by a lux maker.
These people have 1 thing in common - the firmly held belief that their ability to affor $500+ lease payments entitle them to drive any way they please.
These people are either driving 50 on the highway because they are having problems with their blue-tooth sync and dicking with their navigation systems, or driving 50 through downtown because their time it too valuable to bother with things like "right-of-way."
I say thus:
Fuck apologies. Let it rip Smithee.
I am v. sorry you edited out the rage.
There is also The Cellphone Driver. Any asshole on a phone will immediately drive too slow, even if they're in a crazy leased muscle car. Brrrg. The Cellphone.
I am aware that I am commenting nearly a year after this post was originally posted, but damnit I have things to say!
First, I drove a chevy corsica. (then called "el coachet de corsica" hertofor referred to as el coachet) El Coachet was a dream car. v-6 in a relatively light weight car. I drove a '91 but nobody could tell the difference between mine and the newer flashier 96's, so I told everyone it was a 96. This car was a dream. I even wrote a poem about it that I have since lost, but you better believe it was good, buster. A great car that molded to my but like nasa grade foam.
second. I would like to submit some cars for approval as also ran uggos.
Honda element....what? don't they already have houses on wheels?
Suburu baja....google it. ugly.
the H3 and anything by Suzuki
march 14 2006
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