Monday, March 21, 2005

I'm jumping....okay, not really.

An amusing photograph for your consumption: This is Lawrence North star Greg Oden (height: 7 feet; NBA prospect: high; future net worth: much) faking the holy living crap out of three defenders. For those of you who don't follow basketball, when you get three guys to jump on a pump fake, you are a) extra tricky and b) getting much-earned respect from the other team. This doesn't happen very often. Oh, and Lawrence North won the game, too, advancing to the state finals. Sorry for the small picture - the Indianapolis Star's website offers petite images only.

(Triple) Psyche!


At 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see LN's under 30 team is doing well this year. Things have been looking up since they started lacing the weed with HGH (all puns intended).


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