Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Little Light Theatre

paSSw0rD: A Three Minute Non-Fiction Play in the style of Absurdist Samuel Beckett

Setting: The Void. A desk, keyboard, and office chair. A tree.

A (at keyboard, typing, eyes closed): It will not accept my password.

B: Are you sure you're typing the right password?

A: Yes. The computer is wrong. (opens eyes, types on keyboard using nose)

B: Are you sure you're typing the right password?

A: I am filled with hatred and incompetence.

B: You don't know the half of it. Let's reset your password.

A: Password password password pass.

B: Re.

A: Word.

B: Set.

A: Where shall I go? What shall I do?

B: Go here (touches keyboard quickly) and create a new password.

A (types with elbows): It is done. I have done. Done is done.

B: Good.

A: But...

B: But.

A: But it says my new password must not have consecutive numbers in it. It does not. The computer is wrong.

B: Are there no consecutive sequences of numbers?

A: The computer is wrong.

B: Are there -

A: The computer is wrong

B: Are there -

A: There are none.

B: Try again.

A: I am filled with hatred and incompetence.

B: Try again.

A Hatred and incompetence. (Types with chin, reads password aloud while typing): g-capital O-capital O-one-two-three-four-b-a-b-y

B: I must go. (He does not move)

A: one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four

B: Consecutive is the sound of despair and emptiness in my soul. Counting up from one.

A: one, two, three, four, one, two - oh!

B (to audience): And now:

A (sliding wildly about stage on the wheeled office chair): The numbers one through four are in some instances no all instance numbers and numbers which follow before and after numbers which are the same in so many words to be said consecutive that is rowing in a number of right rows moving one before the other in consecutive consecutivity but all for naught as the unconsecutive brain meat bowl which sits upon my neck must consume and digest and shit out and forget any words of passing or ass words or words of ass or secret code key lock enter to keep safe makers and forget and amnesia them to the empty waste of my empty waste of my empty waste of a so-called mind... (rolls to a stop in front of the keyboard, collapses face down on the keyboard, fingers making slight twitching movements. B goes offstage, returns with a noose fashioned from computer power cords, slings noose over stage right branch of tree, climbs tree, squats on stage left branch, stares in fascination at A)

B: I must go. (He does not move)

Lights fade slowly.



At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha...this is brilliant. this was made even more funny from knowing where you work and for whom. publish it, and get it performed ASAP.

a to the s

At 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This play reminds me of a sculpture I saw in NYC. You know the one.

At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This macabre dystopia has the understated brilliance of 'Quad I', yet it lacks the brooding psychological intensity prevalent in 'Quad II'. I give it seven and a half stars out of purple."

--Pretentious Avant-Garde Drama Critic


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