Sunday, February 05, 2006

Day of Game

Woooooo Hooooooooo!

(I'm a little jacked up for the game, which starts in, oh, nine hours and forty six minutes. If you know me, you know that this level of excitement, let alone consciousness, is absolutely unheard of at 8:44 a.m. on Sunday.)

It snowed about two inches here last night, and if it had been six degrees cooler, the accumulation would have been more like six inches. It's quite pretty, and I'm sure the Michigan highway people will have things cleaned up by this afternoon, but this does demonstrate one of the risks of having the game in a cold-weather city: What if it gets snowed out? Can you imagine a 100 bazillion-dollar TV event postponed by a sudden blizzard? Not that I'm complaining.

Okay, a few predictions:

1. Number of times that whoever calls the game uses the word "homecoming" to describe Detroit native Jerome Bettis during the telecast (pre-game not included): 8

2. Odds that anyone I know actually sees me and my blinding yellow fleece on the telecast: 35-1

3. Final score: Pittsburgh 30, Seattle 17.

4. Odds that my head explodes at any point during the game: 2-5

5. Odds that an electrical malfunction during the halftime show reveals that Mick Jagger and Keith Richards are actually out-of-warranty animatronic robots built in the early 90s: 2-3

6. Over/Under for the number of times John Madden says the word "guy" while calling the game: 126 (and I'll take the over)

7. Some possibilities for random celebrities that I will see on the sidelines:
Peyton Manning: 40-1
Zach Braff: 22-1
Any members of the cast of "Lost" (except Walt, who has been taken by the Others):9-1
Kanye West: 7-1
Aretha Franklin: 4-1
The ghost of Britney Spears' career: 2-3

That's it for now. I may have some postings later in the day if the nice people at the ESPN trailer will allow me on to their computer, but this is unlikely (23-1 against). Hopefully you'll enjoy the game at least 1/73rd as much as I will.


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