Tunes for Late March
[Disclaimer: The following post was written with regards to the geographical location of 39.8460 North, 86.2642 West and the surrounding meteorological area. Those of you outside of the general Midwest will have to use your imaginations if your weather does not happen to match.]
And here we are, Monday, March 28, 2005, the first no-kidding day of spring. Yes, the calendar claimed that last week’s March 20 grey-skies-high-50-crapfest was technically the start of spring, but I disagree. You need some basic spring components for it to be spring, and we’ve finally got them: Current temperature, 61. Sunny. Light breeze. The smell of green in the air. The first day you leave your coat at home and don’t regret it. Again, simple pleasures. Change of season = good. Spring = very good. And tomorrow (see below) is going to be even more ridiculously perfect.

Now that it’s so absurdly nice outside, what music are you listening to that complements the niceness? Given that music is fundamentally atmospheric, it is vital to be listening to the right tunes on days like today and tomorrow. This is a tricky choice, and one which I submit to you. In the interest of sanity, I’m going to limit this to a single album. For me, Paul Simon’s “Rhythm of the Saints” is working quite well today. Bright, soft, not overbearing. A song like The Obvious Child screams spring to me. I would also recommend “Give Up” by The Postal Service, which has quite a few excellent songs for spring, including Brand New Colony.

So, what is your perfect spring album? Yes, I know, it’s tough to make an entire album fit one day, but take a shot. Submit comments below and give me something to listen to tomorrow.
I submit 2 self-titled debuts:
G. Love and Special Sauce (nothing says windows open like "Baby's Got Sauce") for daytime driving and
The Philosopher Kings for evening chilling out
I was thinking about this very thing on Monday. One of my all time favorite summer albums is Flood by They Might Be Giants. However, Monday caught me listening to a playlist full of Blind Melon. So, in sticking with Wyatt's self titled debut theme, Blind Melon by Blind Melon is an excellent choice. Perhaps a collaborative effort in forming a warm sunny day playlist is in order.
louis - i couldn't agree more. say, 20 songs each to start? first make your list, and i'll see about getting an mp3 upload/download server ready - should take me a day or 2....
I'm in. I'll work on a list tonight. In the meantime, people should probably listen to this song for the Spring Kick Off Tunes Fest.
I'm putting the Ray Soundtrack on my list. I've been hooked on it. It's the perfect mix up sunny driving singing at the top of your lungs to the sun is setting somber songs
give it to her in the pooper!
Wyatt -
Excellent thought, my friend. I offer the following as my submission to the "20 Song Sunny Day Playlist" challenge. Note: In the interests of time, I haven't paid too much attention to song order.
1.The Obvious Child - Paul Simon
2.Hooked on a Feeling - Blue Swede
3.Mysterious Ways - U2
4.High - The Cure
5. I'll Melt With You - Modern English
6. Me In Honey - R.E.M.
7. Summertime - The Sundays
8. Letterbox - They Might Be Giants
9. Brand New Colony - The Postal Service
10. How Bizarre - OMC
11. My Blue Heaven - The Pogues
12. Shadow Stabbing - Cake
13. Zak and Sarah - Ben Folds
14. Window - Guster
15. Ramble On - Led Zepplin
16. Beautiful Day - U2
17. Two of Us - The Beatles
18. Baby's Got Sauce - G. Love
19. Send Me On My Way - Rusted Root
20. Sunfair - Creeper Lagoon
Listen ass, the sunny day mix was my idea. You'll notice it's documented in my first post when I say, "Perhaps a collaborative effort in forming a warm sunny day playlist is in order." Anyway, submitted for your approval in no particular order and more or less than 20...
"Wasting Time" - Jack Johnson
"Today" - Smashing Pumpkins
"Summertime" - The Sundays
"Ground On Down" - Ben Harper
"No Rain" - Blind Melon
"Is This Love" - Bob Marley
"One Of These Days" - Camper Van Beethoven
"Einstein On The Beach" - Counting Crows
"Hangin' Around" - Counting Crows
"Get Off This" - Cracker
"Been Caught Stealing" - Jane's Addiction
"Live Vibration" - Josh Rouse
"Float On" - Modest Mouse
"Sample In A Jar" - Phish
"Peaches" - Presidents Of The United States Of America
"Circles" - Soul Coughing
"Sweet Layabout" - Soup Dragons
"What I Got" - Sublime
"And She Was" - Talking Heads
"This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)" - Talking Heads
"Everybody Wants To Rule The World" - Tears For Fears
"Birdhouse In Your Soul" - They Might Be Giants
"Letterbox" - They Might Be Giants
"Mysterious Ways" - U2
"Beautiful Day" - U2
"Staring At The Sun" - U2
"Night Swimming" - R.E.M.
"Blister In The Sun" - Violent Femmes
"Spill The Wine" - War
"Beast Of Burden" - Rolling Stones
"Ramble On" - Led Zeppelin
"Diamonds On The Souls Of Her Shoes" - Paul Simon
We're about 90% done with the MP3 server interface - I will email you both about it. In deference to most of the world's preference for not loud snotty punk rock, I've removed some of my favs for your listening pleasure. Here's a couple more than 20....
Turn My Head Around - Philosopher Kings
Baby's Got Sauce - G. Love and Special Sauce
Root Down - The Beastie Boys
It Hurts So Bad - Susan Tedeschi
Don't Look Back in Anger - Oasis
Nuthin' but a G Thang - Dr. Dre
Angels of the Silences - Counting Crows
Right Hand Man - Joan Osborne
Everybody Got Their Something - Nikka Costa
The Harder They Come - Jimmy Cliff
Church of the Falling Rain - Stone Coyote
I Want You to Want Me - Letters to Cleo
Roll On - The Living End
She Said, She Said - The Beatles
Honestly - Zwan
El Scorcho - Weezer
Blood Sugar Sex Magic - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Another Girl, Another Planet - The Replacements
Finest Worksong - REM
May This Be Love - Jimi Hendrix
Burning of the Midnight Lamp - Jimi Hendrix
Sell My Old Clothes, I'm Off to Heaven - Saves the Day
Nice work, boys. Musical genius is much appreciated. Keep us updated on the server.
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