Saturday, February 24, 2007

Quick Thought on a Busy Day

Having friends back in town is always a good time. Last night, we stood around somebody's kitchen and told old stories about ridiculous exploits, marveling at the shockingly low number of emergency room trips and arrests that have accumulated over the years. There is nothing like being with those people that you know best, feeling completely at home, and just loving every minute of it. And, to be clear, I don't wish it were like it was. I'm not spending this weekend pining for the olden days or lamenting the fact that my friends live in Detroit, New York, Cincinnati, San Diego, Singapore, and lots of other places I can't think of right now. The stretching of friendships is natural; it's the way it's supposed to be. But the getting back together is also the way it's supposed to be. When you find the people with whom you still have a strong bond even after long periods of no communication, then you have found the right people. I am lucky to have found them in my life, and it is a very heartwarming feeling on a weekend such as this to be reminded that distance and time are unstoppable, but really, these are my people, and they always will be.

Thanks, friends.


At 1:11 PM, Blogger Louis said...

I was overwhelmed by the sense of nostlagia that accompanied this particular reunion. I don't know why this out of all the others was more nostalgic, but I was definitely aware of it all weekend.

Regardless, we're a lucky group to have been this close for this long.


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