Saturday, March 04, 2006

Tick Tock

For whatever reason, I still have no concept of time whatsoever when it comes to almost any attempt at guessing how long it will take to accomplish one or several tasks. This is quite strange, because I have an internal clock that operates with uncanny accuracy. However, while I can usually tell you exactly what time of the day it is, I cannot figure out how the events of that day will or won't fit into the time remaining. This goes for large periods of time (for instance, the summer I built a second-story deck on the back of my mom's house, the completion date of which I misestimated by about a month) as well as the more basic "tasks in a given day" stretch.

Today, for instance, was one of those days. They frequently seem to be Saturdays. Possibly this is because Saturdays are largely unstructured days, which means that you're not used to their rhythm. On a work day, there are easily noted divisions (at work by 8, lunch at noon, off at 5, etc.) which the brain becomes accustomed to. On Saturday, the day seems expansive and infinite due to an almost complete lack of borders or divisions. As such, I tend to think that I can accomplish EVERYTHING in a Saturday, when in reality I can only ever accomplish about 30% of everything, which is a pathetically low number given the sheer volume of Saturdays that I've had to get it right.

As such, today's list of doing A, B, C, D and so on through about HH or so, hardly got off the launching pad. The result is, among other things, a leaking of tasks over into Sunday, the day on which I have consistently accomplished absolutely nothing.

And somewhere in the list of A through HH was "write for ten minutes on The Yellow Shirt" and here is the crap you get because I've just realized things II and JJ which must be accomplished in the next five minutes, seriously.

Possibly getting tickets to the theatre for 6 p.m. on Saturday is not a good idea in that it further exacerbates said problem.

Good bye.


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