Saturday, November 04, 2006


Today, at Target:

An eleven-year old girl stands thoughtfully in front of four shelves. The shelves hold about fifteen plush Christmas toys - Santa, Mrs. Claus, Frosty, various reindeer, etc. Each toy has a button with a sign on it that says, "I sing!" The girl pushes the button on one of the toys, which starts dancing around and erupts in a Casio-keyboard quality rendition of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" or similar. The girl stands for about five seconds watching the performance, and then proceeds as fast as she can to push the "I sing" button on the other fourteen toys, all of which sing different songs. The cacophony is astounding. She is delighted.

If you ever in your life witness me reacting to such a moment with anything but pure joy, please put me on a tiny gray barge and set me adrift in the middle of the Atlantic.


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