Fotoe Graphie
Today is the big long daunting-ass final dissertation push to finish chapter three, so I'm going to save my finger strength and post some photos that have been collecting over the last while. This posting will finish up with a caption contest, so get your submissions in.
Proper protection for the seafaring baby:

Hands down the best Guinness ad ever:

A new refreshing treat brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department:

And one brought to you by their rival, the Handmade Contradictions Factory:

Angela Bassett looks great in a goatee:

I saw this, ummm, portrait of Jesus in a truck stop in Arkansas. It plugs in and those rainbow lights spin outwards in what can only be described as a "very bad trip" fashion. Methinks the real Jesus would have some concerns:

These next three are from the local Gingerbread House contest this past Christmas. Because this is Indiana, you have the Colts, complete with accurately-depicted fans (many Hoosiers are somewhat marshmallow shaped):

And you have a lovely farm scene:

And, of course, a trailer:

This is the band OK Go (the treadmills video band, if you haven't seen it, get out from under that rock, go to YouTube and watch it now) at the Grammys, upping the ante for Weird Musician Garb. I especially enjoy the glasses:

And now, Caption Contest. Please submit in the comments section captions for the following images. (Yes, I'm begging for feedback here. Don't make me look dumb.)

1) "Oh Jeezy Creezy. Marge call pest control, we've got babies in the claw machine again..."
2) "Oh god, he caught me crop dusting....better make it look like I'm doing some goofy white boy dance..."
3) Distant cousins of the Jumping Beans, only a select few cheeses ever achieve the title of entertaining. The life does often require performing for King Salmon alongside No-Talent wine.
4) "Hey you with the face! Put down that camera and get me back to the bar."
1) "In what some have speculated to be yet another of Britney Spears's wild publicity stunts, the newly bald pop star dressed six month old son Jayden in a red plush body suit complete with Uncle Sam hat, and allowed him to play inside an arcade claw machine for forty minutes until authorities were able to get him out. Witnesses on the scene reported that Spears seemed 'high as a kite' and 'out of her f***ing mind.' A few bystanders mentioned that she kept repeating, 'He jus' wanna play with the animals, why you gettin' mad at me fer?' Spears's rep has declined to comment."
2) "In the above photo, Phineas Q. McGoo of Coltssuck, IN is overtly enthusiastic about the blindingly white color of his new button-up shirt. Tragically, he vomited all over himself a mere hour after this photo was taken; sources say the stain has yet to come out."
3) "'Entertaining Cheeses': it's better than 'Cats'!"
4) [On a poster displayed in gay bars, Express Men stores, and YMCAs all over the United States]:
"Young man, there's no need to feel down - increase your self-esteem, meet hot singles, and get that muscly bod you've always wanted by joining the Armed Forces! We want YOU (yes, YOU, big fella) for U.S. Army!
The United States Army: we've made a few CHANGES."
Hmmm, two pictures containing obvious Uncle Sam themes? Weird, Tyler.
1. “Sweetie look a baby!”…”A baby? A freakin’ Star is wearing sunglasses!”
2. “Did anybody just see me doing the ‘Carlton’ on the dance floor?”
3. While Swiss, Cheddar, and Gouda have achieved this acclaimed title, the well known Muenster and Limburger were left out for being semi-soft, washed rind and SMELLY!!!
4. “Hey you! You should really try riding around on guys’ backs when drunk! It totally beats flirting with cute, horny coeds!”
4) Is that my husband?
1) Yo! If you want lil' baby Sam back, you gots ta pay Mr. Sunshine. Ain't that right Snoop?
2) Soon as I finish this drink sonny, THIS is the thumb I'll be cramming in your ass.
3) Right next to the amusing meats.
4) Would you say I'm in about as deep as this finger? I'll take that face as a yes.
1) Having testified against several insiders in the famous "incrediberry murder trial of ought five", Kool-Aid Man begins his new life in the witness protection program as "disco star man"
2)" yeah, I have an entire room in my apartment full of star wars figurines re-enacting the battle of Naboo, wanna come check it out?"
3) And now...entertaining cheeses....
"What's this day of rest shit? What's this bullshit? I don't fuckin' care! It don't matter to Cheeses. But you're not foolin' me, man. You might fool the fucks in the league office, but you don't fool cheeses. This bush league psyche-out stuff. Laughable, man, I would have fucked you in the ass Saturday. I fuck you in the ass next Wednesday instead. Let me tell you something, pendejo. You pull any of your crazy shit with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you, stick it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger 'til it goes click."
"You said it, man. Nobody fucks with the cheeses."
4)Brokeback mountain II: Corky from life goes on discovers love.
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