Monday, August 06, 2007

All right, all right...

A few small items that have been rattling around in my brain as I unpack boxes boxes boxes, and also unpack boxes, and shop for a bed and revel in the size of the window in my new office, and revel in the fact that like many other grown-ups worldwide, I actually have an office:

1. There actually are some possible excuses for not posting for six weeks, including directing a play (woo hoo!) + carrying hod (refreshingly, brutally hard, more on this in the future) + painting your father's house (boo, painting! hooray, results of painting!) + moving to a new state (specifically to a city with a hilarious name). So there.

2. What if, in some dystopian Orwellian/Huxleyan future, the entire world were on one time? As in: no time zones. When it's seven p.m., it's seven p.m. everywhere. And of course, through force or social engineering, everyone would have to keep their day based on time rather than daylight. If something's on TV, everyone who is watching it will be watching it at the same time. When it's between six and nine a.m., everyone in the whole world will be eating breakfast. When the sun comes up, it might be two a.m. or noon or six p.m. where you are, but everyone will be on the same wake/sleep cycle. This is of course impossible, but that's what sci-fi is all about. The social and cultural ramifications would be fascinating.

3. Regarding the (Super) Mario Brothers: These guys, Luigi and Mario, are referred to as The Mario Brothers. This means that either the two brothers are referred to by the first name of one of them (which has really got to bug Luigi), or their last name is Mario, so they are Mario Mario and Luigi Mario. These are the only two options.

4. Ummmm, maybe I should go to bed now. Or rather, couch, since I haven't bought a bed. Maybe I should go to couch.

More ramblings soon-like. Maybe.


At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The extent to which your brain is stuck on this cracks me up!

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

according to wikipedia, Nintendo insists that mario and luigi do not have last names

At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nintendo,

Damn you, oh damn you. Why have you sentenced me to a life of second-banana crapitude, destined forever to be referred to collectively by my fat-ass brother's first name? Can you imagine if you and Sega were a team, and you were called the Sega Brothers?

Burn in hell,


At 6:48 PM, Blogger Brad said...

Dude, I think that you're starting to lose it. Check yourself.

- Todd Todd

At 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to try to steal my single time theory and pawn it off as your own. Of course, I stole it from Swatch, who stole it from Copernicus or Tyco Brahe or some such. Anyway, good luck with that, professor.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Tyler said...

Wait, who is claiming that I stole that theory? Way to throw rocks at me from the shelter of your anonymity.


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