Written, rewritten, proofed, assembled, rearranged, printed, copied, bound, submitted to committee:

235 pages.
59,313 words.
346 endnotes.
Good golly.
For those of you scoring at home, the committee now has about a month to read this beast. Let's pause for a moment to pity the fools.
I pity the fools.
After they read it, then the five of us will sit in a room on April 13 and fight about the number of contradictions, wild speculations, and outright lies contained in the document. Once they tell me what to fix, I will fix it in time to deposit by May 4. And then I graduate on May 13.
Did I mention, "good golly"?
come on... i don't believe you truly finished it. i mean yeah, i can google image search and find some stock photos of a dissertation on theatre parodies, too.
p.s. on the off chance i am wrong and you did finish: CONGRATS!
I was witness to the celebratory debauchery. It was funny. It was loud. It sounded like, "Er, er-ee, er-ah ee!" over and over again.
I'll see you on stage, Dr. The hard part is over! Congrats!
FINALLY!!! Welcome back to reality...DOC.
I meant to send you this a while back but I was in NYC. CONGRATS, Dr. Smith!!!
Ah-heh-hem. Huzzah!
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