Saturday, March 03, 2007

Day Eleven

For the 1.3 of you keeping track, this is day eleven of my ten-day pledge to post something (Something! Anything!) in this space on a daily basis. The arrival of day eleven is especially fortunate, because I thought this was day ten, and damned if I don't have a thing to say today. I mean, really, nothing.

Except this very tiny thing: I've always enjoyed the fact that the name for a person who writes plays is spelled "playwright" and not "playwrite." I like the idea that plays are not just written, they are built, similar to the way that shipwrights build ships. Score one for the dramatist.

And that's all I've got.

So ignore this tiny little entry, and scroll down and MAKE SOME SUBMISSIONS IN THE CAPTION CONTEST, YOU SLACKERS. If I can crank out rambling crap and slow-loading music samples for ten straight days, then you can come up with at least one amusing caption, right?

(That's it, Tyler, berate your meager audience. People love being shouted at. Especially in all caps.)

Although, Jones has set the bar pretty high, especially with #1, which is going to be hard to top.

(Much better. Say something nice, call their attention to the quality humor to be had in playing along.)

Not that any of you are TRYING to top it.

(Great. Shouting again. What are you, ten years old?)


(I'm outta here.)


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